蔡昆洲 合夥律師/新竹所副所長、 台大法學士/倫敦大學、加州大學柏克萊分校法學碩士/政大法學博士候選人
經歷:國巨法律事務所 資深律師、行政院金管會法律事務處研究員、證券櫃買中心交易部專員、法務部地檢署檢察事務官、資策會科法中心研究助理
Degree Dissertations:
n The Post Financial Crisis Supervision: Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Consumer Dispute Resolution Mechanism, University College London, 2011
n The Trend of Integration of Clearance and Settlement in Global Securities Markets, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), 2004
Academic Papers:
n Business Method Patents and Financial Products Innovation, International Seminar on Intellectual Property, National Chengchi University, 2009
n The Legal Environment of Joint Venture Investment in Taiwan, CYCU, 2001
Research Projects:
n Joint author, A Study on Risk Management of Futures Brokerage, Chinese National Futures Association, 2009
n Joint author, A Study on the Legal System and Relevant Regulations of Central Clearing Institution in Taiwan, Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corp. (TDCC), 2003
n Joint author, A Study on Consumer Protection of Internet Trading and Revision of Relevant Regulations, STLC, 2002