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目前分類:Taiwan Trademark Law (11)

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商標「善意」先使用:明知或非明知? 實習律師李汝民 Using its trademark with Bona fide: knowingly or not knowingly? Intern Lawyer Ru-Min Lee



Trademark Act Article 30, Paragraph 1(3): by bona fide, prior to the filing date of the registered trademark, the proprietor of the registered trademark is entitled to request the party who use the trademark to add an appropriate and distinguishing indication when there is an identical or similar trademark on goods or services identical with or similar to those for which the registered trademark is protected for which the use is only on the original goods or services.

The purpose for such is for the proprietor of the registered to exclude others from using its registered trademark. Even though such third person knowingly used another person’s well-known registered trademark with bona fide (Trademark Act Interpretation, page 95). However in order to prevent overprotection on its trademark right which obstruct its free trade competition, it is important to have an appropriate reconciliation between the first register doctrine and the doctrine of first use of trademark. Therefore some of the restrictions need to be imposed on its trademark rights.


What is ‘bona fide’?


However the word ‘bona fide’, from its interpretation in civil law means ‘bona fides third party’, which has ‘not knowingly’ meaning. Where the trademark is identical with or similar to another person’s registered trademark in relation to goods or services, for which another person’s registered trademark is designated, does exists its likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers, would have grounds for revocation.


In practice, the case of Taiwan Taipei District Court 93 years Zhi No. 70 can be used as reference. For its case, it indicates that the Trademark Act Article 30, Paragraph 1(3) ‘bona fide’ means ‘not for the purpose of unfair competition’. Despite that the proprietor of the registered has previously used its trademark, if such trademark is not registered and the third person still uses its trademark knowingly, such person is prohibited to claim prior use of such trademark after its trademark is being registered.


The judicial reasoning behind this case is that the third person must ‘not knowingly use its trademark’ to claim for its bona fide prior use. You can treat the word ‘bona fide’ defined in Trademark Act similar to the ‘bona fide’ defined in Civil Law.


There is wider interpretation of ‘bona fide’ by court, the case of Taiwan Taipei District Court 96 years Zhang Yi No. 597 indicates that in order “to determine whether such element satisfies the ‘bona fide’ defined in Trademark Act Article 30, Paragraph 1(1), you need to consider whether such Trademark Act would protect consumers’ best interest and to maintain trade market fairness and to promote industrial and commercial enterprises development. Apart from knowing whether such user knowingly used its unregistered trademark, it is important to know whether such user intent to take advantage of its trademark reputation in result of disturbing its trade market fair competition. The purpose for this is to protect the first trademark user with bona fide.

又現行商標法第30條第1項規定為:『凡以善意且合理使用之方法,...』,考其真意,核與美國法上之『fairly and in good faith』相當,是此『善意』並非民法上向來所解之『不知情』,亦不以無過失為要件。」

The Trademark Act Article 30, Paragraph 1 indicates: “reasonable with bona fide…”, is similar to the American Law “fairly and in good faith” but not similar to ‘not knowingly’ defined in Civil Law, which doesn’t constitute ‘negligent’ as one of the elements.


From the above cases, we can know that there are two scenarios to define ‘bona fide’:

(1)   不知悉他人尚未申請註冊商標之存在。

Not knowingly the existence of other unregistered trademarks.

(2)   雖知悉他人商標之存在,但使用人於使用時並無影射他人商標信譽之意圖。

Despite knowing the existence of other trademark, but such user does not have the intention to take advantage of its trademark reputation.


What’s described in (1) is similar to the case of Taiwan Taipei District Court 93 years Zhi No. 70, however what’s described in (2) above focuses on ‘knowingly’ but with bona fide prior use. There seems to have wider interpretation of ‘bona fide’ defined in Trademark Act than what’s defined in Civil Law which is more toward the bona fide prior use doctrine.

評析 Review


After the amended Trademark Act Article 2 in 2003, after amendment, deleted the word ‘indeed with the use of means’, such Act inherited the registered protection doctrine and therefore after its amendment in 2003, there is no doubt that Taiwan employs a first-to-register system for trademark protection.


However the first-to-register system has its inherent problems to register trademarks even it is not really necessary. However there is a rule set out in its Trademark Act to cease its registration if such trademark has not been used for three years continuously. Therefore Trademark Act Article 30, Paragraph 1(3) ‘bona fide’ prior use should not have any wide interpretation to prevent any conflicts between the first-to register system defined in Paragraph 2.


On the other hand, Taiwan inherent Civil and Commercial combination system, therefore Trademark Act’s interpretation should be the same as the Civil Law in Taiwan otherwise there may have conflict of laws between the two systems.

最後,美國商標制度本即係採「先使用主義」,於1998年後其商標制度雖有修正,亦僅修正為「先使用與先註冊並行主義」,而非改採先註冊主義。故前述台灣高等法院96年度上易字第597號判決以美國法上之「fairly and in good faith」解釋我國商標法之「善意先使用」實對於我國與美國之商標體制差異有欠考量。綜上所述,本文認同台灣台北地方法院93年度智字第70號判決,「善意」先使用應以第三人非明知系爭商標已使用為要件。

Lastly America employs first-to-use system, despite that there was some amendment after year 1998, however it is still ‘first-to use-and-register-system’, not the first-to-register system. Therefore in the previously described case of Taiwan Taipei District Court 96 years Zhang Yi No. 597’s “fairly and in good faith” indicates Taiwan and America’s differences in Trademark’s ‘first-to-use’ system. For the summary above, the author personally believe that the case verdict from the case of Taiwan Taipei District Court 93 years Zhi No. 70, is to consider whether the third person used its registered trademark as one of the elements by employing its ‘bona fide’ prior use doctrine.

參考資料 References


Intellectual Property Office (2005, May) Trademark Act Interpretation.


Taiwan Taipei District Court 93 years Zhi No. 70 Case


Taiwan Taipei District Court 96 years Zhang Yi No. 597 Case 


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Infringement of registered trademark and its remedy

眾律國際法律事務所|眾律國際專利商標事務所|專利工程師暨法務 簡敏丞

Zoomlaw Attorneys-At-Law|Zoomlaw IP Attorneys|Patent Engineer and Legal Assistant Cheng-Ming Jane


1. Violations of Civil Liability and its legal effect


(1) General Infringement                                                                       


Taiwan’s Trademark Act Article 61, paragraph 2 expressly indicates that: “in the course of trade, without consent of the proprietor of a registered trademark in any of the following act, constitute infringement and the right of such trademark.” Article 29, paragraph 2 listed out all grounds for refusal of registration that any of the following acts, without consent of the proprietor of a registered trademark, shall be deemed as infringement of its trademark right:

(一) 於同一商品或服務,使用相同於註冊商標之商標者。

Using a trademark which is identical with the registered trademark in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which it is registered.

(二) 於類似之商品或服務,使用相同於註冊商標之商標,有致消費者混淆誤認之虞者。

Using a trademark which is identical with the registered trademark and used in relation to goods or services similar to those for which the registered one is designated, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers.

(三) 於同一類似之商品或服務,使用近似於其註冊商標之商標,有致 消費者混淆誤認之虞者。

Using a trademark which is similar to the registered trademark and used in relation to goods or services identical with or similar to those for which the registered one is designated, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers.





 From the above, we can know that infringement of registered trademark includes:

1. without proprietor of a registered trademark’s consent and to use its trademark.

2. satisfy any of the grounds for refusal listed in Article 29, paragraph 2.

3. causal relationship between conduct and result. (whether the actor willfully or negligently causes the accomplishment of the constituent elements of an offence, where such act is not expressly indicated. There is affirmative opinions for its theory and practice, please see Ze-Jian Wang (2005) Tort Law. Taiwan High Court 93 year Zi section No. 752 civil judgements, page 69).


Acts of Infringement (fiction)

台灣商標法第62條明文規定:『未經過商標人同意,有下列情形之一者,視為侵害商標權: 一、明知為他人著名之註冊商標而使用相同或近似之商標或以該著名商標中之文字作為自己公司名稱、商號名稱、網域名稱或其他表彰營業主體或來源之標識,致減損著名商標之識別性或信譽者。二、明知為他人著名之註冊商標,而已該商標中之文字作為自己公司名稱、商號名稱、網域名稱或其他表彰營業主體或來源之標識,致商品或服務相關消費者混淆誤認者。』因此就條文內容而言,該條為侵害商標權之擬制規定。

Taiwan’s Trademark Act Article 62 expressly indicates that: “any of the following acts, without consent of the proprietor of a registered trademark, shall be deemed as trademark infringement:

(1) knowingly using a trademark which is identical with or similar to another person’s well-known registered trademark, and hence there exists a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark;

(2) knowingly using words contained in another person’s well-known registered trademark as the name of a company, business, group or domain or any other name that identifies a business entity, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark.” If you infringed any of acts mentioned here would constitute acts of infringement.”







From the above Act, paragraph 1, we can know acts of infringements include:

1.’ knowingly’ using a trademark which is identical with or similar to another person’s well-known registered trademark

2. registered trademark of another

3. knowingly using words contained in another person’s well-known registered trademark as the name of a company, business, group or domain or any other name that identifies a business entity

4. there exists a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark

5. uses such trademark without proprietor of a registered trademark of a registered trademark’s consent.







From the above Act, paragraph 2, we can know acts of infringements include:

1.’ knowingly’ using a trademark which is identical with or similar to another person’s well-known registered trademark

2. registered trademark of another

3. knowingly using words contained in another person’s well-known registered trademark as the name of a company, business, group or domain or any other name that identifies a business entity

4. there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers in relation to goods or services similar to those for which the registered trademark or collective trademark is designated.

5. uses such trademark without proprietor of a registered trademark’s consent.


Trademark Infringement and its Civil Liability


Proprietor of a registered trademark may commence civil legal proceedings against a party which infringes its registered trademark when:


The rights to demand for damage compensations、infringement injunction or to prevent nuisance.


Request destruction or other necessary disposition (Trademark Act Article 61, Paragraph 3)


The content of verdict (Trademark Act Article 64)


For its damage claim, you can choose ‘one’ of the following calculation methods:


The actual calculation (Civil Law Article 216)


Its difference (usually that is calculated based on the difference between the benefit received in general minus benefits received from infringement)


Benefits received from such infringement  


Total Sales


Retail price times 500-1500 or its total price (Trademark Act 63, paragraph 1(3) 、Trademark Act 63, Paragraph 2)



Violations and penalties for criminal responsibility

Trademark Act 81、Trademark Act 82 and 83 all have specific provision for trademark infringement, shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and/or a fine not exceeding NT$200,000; be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and/or a fine not exceeding $50,000; manufacturing, possessing, displaying, selling, exporting or important labels, tags, packaging or containers that have not been applied in relation to services, knowing that such articles would likely infringe its trademark rights, unless it is loss, the court shall demand confiscation regardless of whether such articles or documents belong to the offender.



商標法(民國100 年06 月29 日修正),智慧財產法院,全國法規資料庫

Trademark Law (amended on 29 th June 2011), Intellectual Property Rights Court, Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China.


商標法施行細則(民國101 年06 月29 日修正),智慧財產法院,全國法規資料庫

Trademark Law Enforcement Rules (amended on 29 th June 2011), Intellectual Property Rights Court, Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China.



Taiwan High Court 94 years Chi Yi Zi No. 5 Case.


Supreme Court 48 years Tai No. 1934 Case.


Supreme Court years 79 Tai No. 1934 Case.


Supreme Court years 91 Tai No. 2576 Case.


Supreme Court years 88 Tai No. 1944 Case.


Supreme Court years 80 Tai No. 1773.


Du-Chun Wang (2011) Trademark Law Theory, Taipei, Five South, page 275-341.


Zhen-Xiong Xu (2010) Intellectual Property Law, Taipei, Xinwen Beijing Development Publisher, page 151-158.


Ming-Yang Xie (2009) Intellectual Property Law, Taipei, Yuanzhao, page 334-337.


Chen, M.Y., Wu, S.K., Chen, Z. H., Zhang, K.N., Intellectual Property Right and Laws, Taipei, Yuanzhao, page 90-95. 


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各國之商標公序良俗簡介 眾律國際法律事務所實習律師陳映青

Introduction of trademark’s public order and morality in different countries

By Intern Lawyer Ying-Qing Chen (Zoomlaw Attorneys-At-Law)


1. United States of America[1]



1. U.S. Trademark Act of 1946§2(a) (15U.S.C.§1052)

No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matters.



2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual (TEMPT)

The word “shame” in its general meaning means a kind of code of conduct with aggressive behavior in terms of its consciousness and morality which carries invasive nature or condemnatory words. In the eyes of the law, it includes a sense of morality. In its trademark application examination, examiner should consider what the general public thinks what “shame” is. Cases we see generally as references involves religion, race, sex, drugs, violence, and vulgar graphics and so on.


2. Australia



        1. Australia Trade Marks Act 1995-Sect 42

                An application for the registration of a trade mark must be rejected if:

                (a) the trademark contains or consist of scandalous matter; or

                (b) its use would be contrary to law.



    2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual

The word “Shame” means dishonorable, immoral which carries the nature of libelous and defamatory nature or may have condemnation of words. When making its discretion, we should consider its social value at public and how such trademark is being used to prevent any subjective point of view when examining its patent application.


3. European



1. Council Regulation (EC) No 207|2009 §7I.(f)[6]:

Trademarks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality shall not be registered.



2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual

“Public policy” is the considered necessary for its nature justice; “public moral principles” is to maintain its public social order.


4. England



1. UK Trade Marks Act 1994§3(3)(a)

A trademark shall not be registered if it is contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality, or of such a nature as to deceive the public (for instance as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services).



2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual

The purpose of “Public policy” is to prevent social disorder and crime. “Public moral principles” is to preserve its value of religion、social and family values. If such trademark word, from an objective point of view, carries offensive characteristics which relates to its product and service, examiner would treat such application as contrary to public moral values.


5. Japan



1. Japan Trade Mark Law §4 I ⑦:

No trademark shall be registered if the trademark is likely to cause damage to public policy;



2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual

       If there is trademark that infringed its public order and morality, meaning (1) the trademark itself carries inferiority、discrimination or negative influence photography, or (2) trademark or other products, services together that is contrary to public moral values. In practice, except for the two conditions mentioned above, the law infringed its usage、violation of international values、confuses national qualification、possess its historical name exclusively or lack of social validity would be treated as contrary to public order and morality.


6. Taiwan



1. Taiwan Trademark Act 2011 §30⑦:

A trademark shall not be registered that is being contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality.



  2. Trademark Examination Procedure Manual

“Public order” means the welfare or well-being of the general public. “Moral standards” means morality accepted by public. By judgement, when making its application, factors below would be taken into consideration.  

 1. 損害國家、民族或社會之尊嚴者。

Damages to its country’s public image、ethnic group or social values.

 2. 鼓勵或煽惑犯罪、違法或擾亂社會秩序者。

        Encourage or to induce crimes、infringed the law or to disturb its social order.

 3. 非法組織、叛亂團體或盜匪、幫派等集團或個人之標記者。

Illegal organization、extreme groups or robbery、gangsters or other related groups.

4. 易使人產生恐怖、醜惡感而影響社會心理健康者。

Causes fears of others、ugly feelings that carries bad influences on psychosocial health.

5. 對於某一國家、種族、地區、宗教、團體、職業或個人表示侮辱或不尊重者。

Shows disrespect or insult to a certain country、race、region、religion、group、occupation or individual.

6. 違悖倫理,提倡迷信或敗壞風化者。

Unethical, promote superstition or culture of prostitution.


7. Conclusion


In terms of its trademark examination, many countries would take the “Public order and morality’ into consideration. Due to its cultural differences, how examiners view your application may be different according to its culture and values. However examiners would use its “objective point of view” and its “social value at that time” as fundamental examination criteria when examining its application. This is a good example of how other countries take the “Public order and morality” into consideration and we may also apply their principles to our country.


1. 陳宏杰,商標違反公序良俗之研究—我國相關法令與歐、英、奧、美實務探討,智慧財產權月刊第158期,民國101  年2月。

2. 鍾桂華,商標違反公序良俗之研究—日本實務及案例探討,智慧財產權月刊第158期,民國101年2月。

3. 中華民國商標法逐條釋義。


1. Hong-Jie Chen (2012, February). Trademark and its violation of public order and morality studies – Taiwan’s related statues with European、England、Australia and America in practice , Intellectual Property Monthly Article 158.

2. Gui-Hua Zhong (2012, February). Trademark and its violation of public order and morality studies-Japan Case studies and discussion, Intellectual Property Monthly Article 158.

3. Taiwan Trademark Act Statute Interpretation.


[2]Trademark Act of 1946§2(a) (15U.S.C.§1052).-Trademarks registrable on the principal register; concurrent registration

「No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless it--

(a) Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; or matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute; or a geographical indication which, when used on or in connection wines or spirits, identifies a place by the applicant on or after one year after the date on which the WTO Agreement (as defined in section 3501(9) of the title 19) enters into force with respect to the United States.」


[4]AU Trade Marks Act 1995 §42

「An application for the registration of a trade mark must be rejected if:

(a)      the trade mark contains or consists of scandalous matter.」


[6]COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 207/2009 of 26 February 2009 on the Community trade mark

Article 7 Absolute grounds for refusal

1.The following shall not be registered:

(f)trade marks which are contrary to the public policy or to accepted principles of morality;


[8]UK Trade Marks Act 1994§3(3)(a)

「A trade mark shall not be registered if it is-

(a)      Contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality explicit/taboo signs.」


[10]日本商标法§4 I ⑦:



[1] Hong-Jie Chen (2012, February). Trademark and its violation of public order and morality studies – Taiwan’s related statues with European、England、Australia and America in practice , Intellectual Property Monthly Article 158, page 24-36. 


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商標註冊之優點 律師張源傑

Advantages for Trademark Registration

By Yuan Jie, Cheng (Attorney-At-Law)


1. Protection covered once trademark is registered 


Taiwan employs a first-to-register system for trademark protection. Therefore, once such trademark obtained its trademark in compliance of law after registration, the registered owner can use its registered trademark exclusively or to authorize such trademark to others. In addition, the registered trademark can exclude others from using the same kind of goods or similar goods shall apply for registration of an associated trademark. Therefore, if you want to gain legal protection of your trademark, you must register such trademark by law. Such protection would cover its protection in the whole country.[1]


2. Damages claim for trademark infringement[2]


If anyone used its trademark without authorization from trademark owner, there are possibilities that you have infringed trademark owners’ right in terms of its usage, gaining or trademark infringement. If you are the trademark owner, you could exclude or to prevent such trademark infringement and to request for damage claim from people who has infringed your right intentionally or by negligent.


3. Trademark has its own property value[3]


Trademark is treated as property. Registered trademark can be resold or to be perceived as “good quality” so as to increase its value of assets, which is why it is necessary to register its trademark to reach its maximum value.  If you chose not to register such trademark, which later such trademark is widely used, such trademark may become generic trademark[4] that allows public to use such trademark legitimately. In result of this, it lost its trademark owner’s original intent to maximize its trademark value exclusively.


To prevent confusion, cybersquatting, phishing and other malicious acts[5]


 Once trademark is registered, it is enforceable by law. By doing so can prevent others to register the same or similar trademark or for others to register such trademark rights before you. This will cause its trademark owner much distress to preserve its right with protection. Therefore trademark owners should combat this by counterfeiting in accordance with the trademark owner’s identity so as to prevent any criminal violation.


 Benefits for trademark registration does not only protect the existing trademark from infringement, but to gain its trademark market value. It also protects its trademark not to be used by others so as to maintain its product’s creditability and image.  Registered trademark does not only enhance consumer’s sense of identity, but to maintain its value of brand and image for which would assist its corporation to reach out further in terms of its growth and expansion.[6]







[6] http://chainasiaip.com/index.php?do=lib&id=235

[1] What are the benefits for trademark registration? Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office.


[2] Ibid.

[3] Trademark Recognition, Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office, page 3, https://www.tipo.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=535857&ctNode=7078&mp=1

[4] Trademark Recognition review benchmark, page 6, release by the Ministry of Economic Affairs granted 09720031750 Chi Zi Decree set release, Republic of China on December 31 1997. Takes effect on 1st of July 2013. For consumers, generic trademark or its brand name only indicate its goods or services from general industry’s point of view. It is used to identify its distinguish from its resource and functionality. For example, "red, blue and white tricolor rotating neon" is treated as general trademark used by hair and beauty salon. "Pistachio" is known as pistachio fruit. “Arabica” is the name of the coffee tree. It makes it hard for consumers to identity its sources directly. In order to prevent such confusion, it is to prevent from gaining such exclusive privilege of possessive right to influence its fair trade competition or to interfere with others using the term ‘litigation’; therefore registration as such is prohibited.

[5] Understand Trademark, Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office, page 3.


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Trademark registration procedure in Taiwan 

Trademark application assistant Chen Peng 


Taiwan employs a first-to-register system for trademark protection. Article 2 of the Trademark Law in Taiwan expressly indicates that “Any person who wishes to obtain the rights of trademark, certificate mark, collective membership mark, or collective trademark shall apply for registration therefore in accordance with this Act.”


1. Applicant


Applicant should be subjective to ensure the purpose of application but to be objective when representing its sales of commodities. For its business operation, it is necessary to comply with Rule 5 of the Enforcement Rules of Trademark Act, including its company registration, business registration, operation business, or specific business plans, shareholder meetings or any other related matters.


Therefore, as long as the person fulfilled its requirements listed above, any natural persons, legal person or foreigners would be qualified to apply.


2. Trademark Attorney


Anything in relation to trademark registration or all the other legal matters, unless it is handled by person itself, you can appoint an agent to do so. Trademark Attorney is defined as a natural person that has its means of country residence, to act for the interest of the parties, to seek its trademark license, approval, or other acts of authorization according to the Public Law for its trademark application.


3. Required documents and description


In order to register its trademark, the applicant should get all the documentations ready including its application, name of the trademark, appointed use of goods and services and its classification to its Intellectual Property Office for registration. According to its classification of goods and services, such application should be clearly listed in order to determine its scope of trademark right. On the other hand, trademark applicant may appoint two or more categories of goods or services when lodging its trademark application.


According to its Trademark Act regulation, applicant shall include its trademark description or its non-distinguishable characteristics into its trademark application. The purpose for such standard is to prevent any disputes arises for the scope of trademark rights. In order to prevent such situation, its Trademark Authorities would, according to its powers according to the law, to simplify its review process to improve its productivities.


4. Amendments to application


Changes to the name or address of the applicant, the trademark agent, or any other particulars in an application for registration shall be made by filing a request therefor with the Registrar Office.


Unless such amendment is a restriction of designated goods or services or an amendment to the reproduction of a trademark which does not substantially change such trademark. By narrowing the scope of application would not derogate its efficiency on examination nor to influence its calculation period. Such amendment would not be restricted. (Article 23 and 24 of Trademark Act)


5. First-to-register system



To obtain its trademark rights, it should be reviewed in accordance with the application period, if such trademark is found to be the same or similar to the other trademark, the first-to-register person would grant its trademark right.

(Trademark Act Article 30 (10))


6. Authorities


The Competent Authority of this Act is the Ministry of Economic Affairs (hereinafter as the MOEA). Trademark affairs shall be administered under a registrar office appointed by the MOEA. (Trademark Act Article 3).


7. Dates and Time


According to its period calculation, there is no express provision listed in the Trademark Law. However according to the Civil Code Section 120, the beginning date shall not be included into such calculation, such interpretation shall be adopted to have its same effect here. The proprietor of a registered trademark shall have the exclusive right of the trademark for a period of ten years from the date of publication of registration.


8. Trademark Priority


According to Article 20, an applicant who has duly filed an application for trademark registration in a country which has reciprocal recognition of priority rights with the ROC, or filed such application with a member of the World Trade Organization, may claim a right of priority, for the purpose of registering the same trademark in the ROC for some or all the same goods or services, within six months from the day following the date of filing of the first such application.

An applicant of a foreign country which is not a member of the WHOT nor a country having reciprocal recognition of priority rights with the ROC, may claim a right of priority pursuant to the preceding paragraph if he/she is domiciled or has a business establishment in the territory of a country which has reciprocal recognition of priority rights with the ROC or in the territory of a member of the WTO.


The purpose for such priority system is that during a certain period, in order to prevent its trademark applicant to regret not to receive its global protection due to its first-to-register system, the trademark applicant can receive its protection without its territorial limits.


9. Service and report


Delivery person means a form of administrative action for its Trademark authorities to follow certain procedures to have its documentations and other specific matters delivered to the other parties. Once such documentation is delivered, such documentation is considered as valid in the eyes of law.


In order to prevent any confusion for its consumer products and services, the Trademark Authorities shall print and publish its recent approved registered trademark and all other related matters to public, in order to prevent misuse of its registered trademark by mistake.




Cheng-Ming-Ru Cheng, The Principles of Trademark Law, August 2000, Cheng-Ming-Ru Cheng.


Du-Chun Wang, Principles of Trademark Law, February 2011, 2nd edition, Fifth South.


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What kind of trademark can be registered?

By Yuan Jie, Cheng (Attorney-At-Law)


1. Introduction:


If a trademark is describing its product and service for a particular industry, such trademark can be registered; however if a trademark is describing what a particular goods and services are, such trademark cannot be registered.


What kind of trademark can be registered?[1]




First kind of trademark can be registered is Google, for example. Google uses its Internet search engine, which is completely an innovative name and can therefore be registered as search and network. On the other hand, if you want to register “internet search” “speed” which are relevant to internet search engine’s website and to register them with your trademark, such keywords can’t be registered due to its similarities with its name and service contents.

Second kind of trademark can be registered is Apple, for example. Apple is classified as computer manufacture, even though apple uses its name ‘Apple’ but its product is completely irrelevant to Apple, therefore it can be registered. On the other hand, if Apple uses its brand name to sell juices, fruits, spices, or any associated merchandise of Apple, such name cannot be registered.

Third kind of trademark can be registered is instant dictionary, for example, that is used for electronic dictionary. Instant dictionary does not directly describe its electronic dictionary function, but consumers would need to use some imagination, consideration and feelings associated with analysis before knowing such trademark does associate to its electronic product and services. Therefore such trademark can be registered.


3. Arising Controversial Issues



The three examples listed above are examples can be registered as trademark. However there may be some controversial issues arises along the way. For example, many people may have question of doubt that isn’t the name “instant dictionary” relevant to electronic dictionary’s characteristics? The nature of electronic dictionary carries its meaning that it’s ‘faster’ than normal paper dictionary, the word ‘translation’s functionality is the same as knowledgeable?

On the other hand, the managerial authorities rejected its application in relation to socks when it comes to the word “natural breathing”[2] The judicial reasoning behind this was due to the word “natural breathing” would implies with natural breathable comfort which isn’t metaphor in nature. Unless socks itself have lungs that is naturally breathable, isn’t it true that socks should be naturally breathable for consumers to use its imagination, consideration and judgment to have this kind of feelings? Where are the standard criteria when it comes to classification as such?


4.  Conclusion


It is not difficult to know whether such trademark can be registered at surface, however due to people’s different perception to things, each case may be different depending on its authorities’ subjective judgment. There is no standard set of criteria. If authorities reject your trademark application, appeals or administrative litigation would be another option to guarantee your right.



[1] Trademark Recognition benchmark, granted by Chilean Ministry of Economy Order amendment number 10120030550 announced on 20th April 2012, in force on 1st July 2012.

[2] Administrative Court, No. 3869, 88th year judgment.


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Taiwan Trademark 101 Series, the Protection of Well-known Trademarks.

Written by: James Y. Chang


1. Preamble

If a trademark didn’t file for registration in Taiwan, it still can be protected by the well-known trademark right from both national laws and international conventions.


2. Regulations

Taiwan is a member of WTO. According to the Article 2 of WTO TRIPS agreement, members shall comply with Articles 6[1] of the Paris Convention (1967) which rules that no application shall be filed for registration of a trademark that is identical or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark that it is likely to cause public confusion.

Even though Taiwan is not a membership of WIPO, she follows the well-known mark agreement[2]of WIPO to protect them from either the use of that mark is likely to impair or dilute in an unfair manner the distinctive character of the well-known mark or the use of that mark would take unfair advantage of the distinctive character of the well-known mark[3]. The Trademark Act[4] of Taiwan recognizes two types of well-known trademark dilution, namely likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness of well-known trademarks and likelihood of dilution of the reputation of well-known trademarks, which protection is as well as the rules of WIPO.


3. Factors to Be Considered When Determining Well-known Trademarks

The determination of well-known trademarks should be made on a case-by-case basis and by taking into consideration. According to the Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks[5], the following factors shall be considered as a whole:

(1)   The strength of the distinctiveness of the trademark.

(2) The extent to which the relevant enterprises or consumers know or recognize the trademark.

(3)    The duration, scope, and geographical area of use of the trademark.

(4)   The duration, scope, and geographical area of promotion of the trademark.

(5) Whether the trademark has applied for registration or the trademark has been registered, and its term, scope, and geographic area that are registered or being registered.

(6)   Any record of successful enforcement of trademark rights, especially the fact that the trademark has been recognized as a well-known one by an administrative or judicial authority.

(7)    The value of the trademark.

(8)   Other factors that could be considered in determining whether a trademark is well-known.

The above factors for judging whether a trademark is well-known are only examples. They may not be all necessarily taken into consideration in one case; only those that are relevant enough to determine whether the trademark is well-known should be considered, depending on the circumstances of the case.

[1] Article 6bis: [Marks: Well–Known Marks]

(1) The countries of the Union undertake, ex officio if their legislation so permits, or at the request of an interested party, to refuse or to cancel the registration, and to prohibit the use, of a trademark which constitutes a reproduction, an imitation, or a translation, liable to create confusion, of a mark considered by the competent authority of the country of registration or use to be well known in that country as being already the mark of a person entitled to the benefits of this Convention and used for identical or similar goods. These provisions shall also apply when the essential part of the mark constitutes a reproduction of any such well–known mark or an imitation liable to create confusion therewith.

(2) A period of at least five years from the date of registration shall be allowed for requesting the cancellation of such a mark. The countries of the Union may provide for a period within which the prohibition of use must be requested.

(3) No time limit shall be fixed for requesting the cancellation or the prohibition of the use of marks registered or used in bad faith.

[2] Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Well-Known Marks at the Thirty-Fourth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO September 20 to 29, 1999

[3] Ibid. Article 4 (1)

(b) Irrespective of the goods and/or services for which a mark is used, is the subject of an application for registration, or is registered, that mark shall be deemed to be in conflict with a well-known mark where the mark, or an essential part thereof, constitutes a reproduction, an imitation, a translation, or a transliteration of the well-known mark, and where at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

(i) the use of that mark would indicate a connection between the goods and/or services for which the mark is used, is the subject of an application for registration, or is registered, and the owner of the well-known mark, and would be likely to damage his interests;

(ii) the use of that mark is likely to impair or dilute in an unfair manner the distinctive character of the well-known mark;

(iii) the use of that mark would take unfair advantage of the distinctive character of the well-known mark.

[4] Trademark Act Article 30: grounds for refusal of registration

(11) being identical with or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on the relevant public or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark or mark, unless the proprietor of the said well-known trademark or mark consents to the application;

[5] Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks under Subparagraph 11 of Paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Trademark Act. Enacted and promulgated on November 9, 2007 by the order of the MOEA. Amended and promulgated on April 20, 2012 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on July 1, 2012.


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Taiwan Trademark 101 Series, What Should I Do When My Trademark Has a Likelihood of Confusion Problem?

Written by: James Y. Chang


1. Preamble

The competent authority found that the application for the trademark registration had a likelihood of confusion existing between the two trademarks by physical examinations and the application should be rejected. Before rendering a disposition of refusal pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a written notice stating grounds for refusal shall be given to the applicant, who may make following observations on the intended refusal within the prescribed period[1].


2. Restriction of the Designated Goods or Services

According to the Article 23 and 38 of the Trademark Act, no amendments shall be made unless such amendment is a restriction of designated goods or services. The restriction of goods may be made by deleting some of the designated goods, by changing a broader range of general goods to specific particular goods, for instance, cosmetics to lipsticks, or by defining the specification to particular goods of interest the applications of the goods, for instance, vaporizers to vaporizers for industrial use[2].


3. Request to Divide Application

The proprietor of a registered trademark may request the Registrar Office to divide the registration into two or more registrations by distributing the designated goods or services included in the original registration among divisional registrations[3].In applying for division of a trademark application, the original applicant shall submit a copy of the division application, a trademark application and relevant documents for each divided application[4]. The division may result in the original trademark application being divided into several new independent applications. A new application number is then assigned to each divided trademark and the examination of each divided trademark is processed. After the division has been approved, the original trademark application is marked with "division" and is closed accordingly[5].


4. Consent from a prior right holder

According to the Subparagraph 10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Act, a trademark shall not be registered when there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers, unless the consent of the proprietor of the registered trademark has been given and is not obviously improper. Under the current Act, a letter of consent from the prior rights holder can waive the citation of conflicting prior rights, except in cases where the trademarks and the goods or services in conflict are identical. The amendment adds a proviso to the effect that such consent shall not waive the citation if there is obvious impropriety[6]. For example, if there are two trademarks belonging to different proprietors which are designated on identical goods or services, the function of these trademarks on indicating correct sources of goods or services will be lost and rights of consumers will be affected. A proprietor of a registered trademark keeping consenting others for concurrent registration after the court suspended the right of disposition of the registered trademark is also obviously improper[7].



[2] Examination Guidelines on “Likelihood of Confusion”. Enacted and promulgated on April 28, 2004 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on May 1, 2004. Amended and promulgated on April 20, 2012 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on July 1, 2012. Page 17.

[3] Article 37 of the Trademark Act.

[4] Namely, documentation specified in Articles 8 through 11 of the Trademarks Regulations.

[6] http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/TAIWANAmendmentstotheTrademarkAct.aspx

[7] Examination Guidelines on “Likelihood of Confusion”. Page 19.


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Taiwan Trademark 101 Series,   Distinctiveness

Written by: James Y. Chang


1. Trademarks Distinctiveness

The main function of a trademark is to identify the source of goods or services. If a sign cannot identify and distinguish goods or services, it does not have the trademark function and the registration cannot be approved. Distinctiveness is an important requirement for registration of a trademark [1] . The details of distinctiveness are as follows:


2.   Fanciful Marks

Fanciful marks are devices which have been invented for the sole purpose of functioning as a trademark and have no other meaning than acting as a mark. Fanciful marks are considered to be the strongest type of mark [2] . Approved cases [3] :

    "GOOGLE" for search engine services

    " 震旦 " ("Aurora") for transmission services by telecommunications weighted networks

    " 普騰 " ("Proton") for television sets and stereo sets

      for cars and passenger cars.


3.   Arbitrary Mark

An arbitrary mark is a trademark that consists of a word which is used in a way that has nothing to do with its meaning. The use of the word will have nothing to do with its actual meaning. Arbitrary marks are inherently distinctive and the owner need not show secondary meaning to be entitled to protection for the mark because arbitrary marks bare no connection to the underlying goods and services [4] . Approved cases [5] :

.    " 蘋果 APPLE," " 黑莓 BlackBerry" for computers and data processors.

    " 風信子 " ("Hyacinth") for cups, bowls and dishes.

    " 向日葵 " ("Sunflowers") for solar collectors.

    " 春天 " ("Spring") for restaurant and hotel services

      for clothing.


4.   Suggestive Trademark

A suggestive trademark is so named because it suggests a quality or characteristic of goods and services; such a trademark might also be called allusive. However, a suggestive trademark requires a subtle leap in thought, imagination or perception for the consumer to reach a conclusion as to the exact nature of the goods [6] . Approved cases [7] :

    " 快譯通 " ("Quick Translation Understandable") for electronic dictionaries.

    " 一匙靈 " ("One Spoon Effective") for laundry detergents in powder form.

    " 克潮靈 " ("Resisting Humidity Effective") for dehumidifying agents.

    " 靠得住 " ("Reliable") for sanitary napkins.

    " 足爽 " ("Foot Refreshing") for medicated ointment for H.K. feet.

      for chairs, rocking chairs, desks and chairs.


5. Acquired Distinctiveness

A trademark with no distinctive character is prima facie unregistrable. However, these marks may still allowed to be registered if the trademark owner can demonstrate, typically by reference to evidence of use, that consumers in the marketplace exclusively associate the mark, as used on the identified goods or in connection with the identified services, with a particular commercial origin or source (i.e. the trademark owner). "Use" may include authorized use by a licensee or other party. If the trade marks office is satisfied that the evidence demonstrates that a mark has "acquired" distinctive character as a matter of fact, then the mark may be accepted for registration on the basis of acquired distinctiveness [8] . Approved cases [9] :

    "787", a simple number, is not distinctive.   However, after the applicant has long used it as a trademark in connection with airplanes and their parts and fittings, aircraft and their parts and fittings, and helicopters and their parts and fittings, such sign has caused a sufficient number of relevant consumers to recognize it as a sign identifying the source of goods and has acquired distinctiveness through use.

    "4810," the height of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe, is not distinctive. However, after the applicant has long used it as a trademark in connection with fountain pens, ball point pens, pencils, felt pens, etc., and used it extensively in the advertising media, such sign has acquired distinctiveness through use.

    "V50" for cars, trucks and all-purpose RV cars gives an impression that it is the model number of the designated goods and is not inherently distinctive. However, after the applicant has long used it, relevant consumers are able to recognize it as a sign identifying the source of certain goods, so it has acquired distinctiveness.

    "Life should be wasted on beautiful things," which is irrelevant to drinks made from tea leaves or tea, coffee, drinks made from coffee, cocoa and drinks made from cocoa, ice cream, etc., was not distinctive. However, after the applicant has long used it as a trademark in connection with aforesaid goods and used it extensively in the advertising media, such sign has acquired distinctiveness.

      is an ornamental pattern.   The use of the pattern for department stores, supermarkets, etc., is not inherently distinctive. However, after the applicant has long used it as a trademark in connection with handbags, packaging bags, etc., such sign has acquired distinctiveness.


[1] Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, Enacted and promulgated on December 31, 2008 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on January 1, 2009, Amended and promulgated on April 20, 2012 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on July 1, 2012. P4-5.

[3] Ibid., Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, P6.

[4] http://definitions.uslegal.com/a/arbitrary-marks/

[5] Ibid., Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, P7.

[6] http://www.veritrademark.com/articles/five-categories-trademarks

[7] Ibid., Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, P7-8.

[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark_distinctiveness

[9] Ibid., Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, P12-13.


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Taiwan Trademark 101 Series, What is a Trademark?


Written by: James Y. Chang


1. What Does a Trademark Do

A trademark generally protects brand names and logos used for goods and services. It is generally a word, phrase, symbol, device, or even color, shape or packaging of goods, motion, hologram, sound, or a combination. The trademark is mainly used by a person in the course of business or trade to identify and distinguish the source of goods or services of one undertaking from those of another[1].


2. Trademark Distinctiveness

The main function of a trademark is to identify the source of goods or services. If a sign cannot identify and distinguish goods or services, it does not have the trademark function and the application of the registration can’t be approved. Distinctiveness is a must for the trademark registration[2].


3. Legislation Governing Trademarks

In Taiwan, the law that govern registration of trademarks is the Trademark Act. There are also administrative rules formulated by Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO), such as the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act, the Standards of Trademark Fees, Implementation Regulations for Customs to Detain Articles Infringing the Rights in the Trademark, that play important roles for the regulations of the Trademark in Taiwan.


4. Is It Mandatory to Register a Trademark?

It is not mandatory to register a trademark in Taiwan. You can use your trademark in the course of trade without any registration. However, your trademark will not be protected by the laws because it is not registered. If it were not registered, there will be a risk that other peoples are using your trademarks and you will be hard to assert legal rights against the infringers. However, if you just want to use an unregistered trademark, you are advised to go to TIPO database and find out if it is already registered or is still undergoing application process. This will help you to prevent from unknowingly infringing the trademarks rights of registered proprietors[3].


5. Advantages to Registering a Trademark

The registered trademark proprietor is entitled to have the statutory exclusivity rights during the valid period of time in Taiwan area. As the proprietor of a registered trademark, you will:

  1. have the exclusive right to use your registered trademark for the goods or services specified in the registration;

  2. have the right to authorize use by other people of your registered trademark for the goods or services specified in the registration;

  3. have the right to sell the registered trademark or use it as a property to establish a pledge;

  4. be able to stop people from using your trademark for the goods or services which might be covered by your trademark registration and causing confusion;

  5. be able to request Customs to prevent the importation or exportation of goods that infringe your registered trademark; and

  6. may take a legal action against infringers that use your registered trademark as their own on identical or similar goods or services without your consent.

The registered trademark enables you to protect your market share or profits better by preventing people from counterfeiting it[4].

[2] Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks, Enacted and promulgated on December 31, 2008 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on January 1, 2009. Amended and promulgated on April 20, 2012 by the order of the MOEA, enforced on July 1, 2012, p 4


[4] Ibid., p3-4.


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Taiwanese Trademark Procedure: How to Cease a Trademark

Produced by Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law

17th November 2014


  1. 1.      Opposition:

The relevant legislation for opposition of trademark is Section IV of the Trademark Act 2011.

l   Any person can file an opposition to registration of a trademark with the Registrar Office within three month from the day following the date of publication of registration (Article 48)

l   The facts and grounds must be stated and any attachments shall be enclosed with the filed opposition.

l   Once the opposition is filed and sent to the Registrar Office, the proprietor of the opposed trademark will be served a copy and may submit a statement of defense. The Registrar Office shall then serve a copy of the statement to the opponent who may submit an opinion on said statement. However, if the statement or opinion is likely to delay the proceedings, or where the facts and evidence are sufficiently clear, the Registrar Office may conduct opposition proceedings directly.

l   The opposition shall be examined by an examiner who didn’t participate in the examination of the application for registration of the opposed trademark (Article 51)

l   If the opposition is sustained, the registration of the trademark shall be cancelled (Article 54)


(Cancellation Proceedings)

  1. 2.      Invalidation:

The relevant legislation for invalidation of trademark is Section V of the Trademark Act 2011.

l   File invalidation with the Registrar Office or a trademark examiner submits a proposal to the Registrar Office for invalidation (Article 57)

l   If the registration has been published for not less than five years, no invalidation shall be filed. However, this time limit shall not apply to invalidation against a trademark that falls under Subparagraph 9 (similar geographical indication for wines or spirit) or 11 (similar to another well-known trademark) Article 30 (Article 58)

l   The invalidation proposal will be examined by three or more examiners assigned by the head of the Registrar Office (Article 59)

l   If the invalidation is passed, the registered trademark shall be cancelled. However, if the circumstance on which a trademark is invalid no longer exists, a proposition to overrule the invalidation may be considered – basically stating the an invalidated trademark can, in specific situation, be rendered valid again (Article 60)


  1. 3.      Revocation:

The relevant legislation for revocation of trademark is Section VI of the Trademark Act 2011.

l   Can be filed when the trademark owner violated some regulations (Article 63):

n   alteration of, or addition to, the trademark

n   lack of use of the mark

n   failure to attach appropriate distinctive symbols under Article 43

n   a mark's becoming descriptive of the name or shape of the designated goods or services

n   a mark that is likely to lead the public into misidentification or misconception in respect of the characteristics, quality, or place of origin of the merchandise

l   A copy of the revocation will be served to the proprietor of a registered trademark by the Registrar Office who may submit a defense statement. The Registrar Office shall then serve a copy of the statement to the opponent who may submit an opinion on said statement. A request for revocation may be dismissed directly if it is lacking evidence and concrete facts or based on obviously groundless claims.




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